Other International Projects at SU
In addition to Erasmus plus projects, many other international academic projects have been implemented by/at Salahaddin University-Erbil. Amongst:
- Curriculum development of college of Administration & Economics through a program known as BEEP (Baghdad-Erbil-Erlangen Program) coordinated by Erlangen University and funded by DAAD of Germany.
- Department of Mechanics with Friedberg University-Germany implemented a three years project of developing and upgrading Mechanics curricula at SU. Many academic staff participated in workshops at Friedberg and Erbil. The project was funded by DAAD.
- College of Basic Education shared with Leipzig/Erlangen Universities in entrepreneurship program in different fields. The program is still ongoing and also funded by DAAD. *Conferences and Curriculum development of mathematics teaching with a French university under the name CEMPA.
- Curriculum development in the fields of English language and Economics through a program called University Linkage program (ULP) supervised by University of Cincinnati-Ohio-USA. Establishing of a career center at SU was the outcome of the program.
- Departments of Architecture and Archaeology at SU developing new Curricula for their study leading to MA/M.Sc degree. The program is organized by Ifpo of France. It will be funded by AUF ( Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie).
Looking Forward-The Future
- Application of e-learning and modern technology methods in both teaching and research at Salahaddin University is our task.
- Upgrading and developing the curricula of teaching subjects at SU are also our ambitious.
- Implementation of Bologna System in Higher Education is of our great concern. We have already started with Bologna system at the Department of Civil Engineering with the help of UNESCO.
- The above mentioned points are necessary conditions and requirements for the internationalization and integration of the universities in Kurdistan Region.
What to be done
- Modification the law and regulations of Higher Education in both Iraq and Kurdistan in such away permits the internationalization of the universities.
- Establishing centers for international activities.
- putting forward the regulation and processing taking in international students.
- Putting forward the regulations and processing recruiting international academic staff.
- English language to be the language of teaching and research.
- Overcome the obstacles of visa issue processing.
Updated July 1st, 2018
For further information, please contact; بۆ زانیارى زیاتر تكایه پهبوهندى بكه به
Assistant Professor Dr.Mohammed Azeez Saeed
Erasmus+ Supervisor and Coordinator
Email: [email protected], [email protected]
Mobile: 00964 (0) 750 462 2954
Salahaddin University-Erbil; Kurdistan Region-Iraq