Salahaddin University-Erbil and the British Council [SU- BC]
The history of the relation and academic cooperation of Salahaddin University-Erbil with the British Council goes back for many years. The academic, scientific and cultural cooperation of SU with the British Council started with conducting IELTS tests on SU campus and SU continuously supported the British Council, particularly if any premises (including exam halls) are needed to initiate the projects. Salahaddin University-Erbil was the only university in Iraq and in the Middle East which hosted the British council office on the university campus for more than 3 years.
Development Partnership in Higher Education (DelPHE)
DelPHE was a £15 million project over 7 years (2006-2013) supported the Department for International Development (DFID)/British Council to use higher education institutions to support developing countries meet Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). DelPHE (http://iraq.britishcouncil.org/en, https://devtracker.dfid.gov.uk/projects/GB-1-111543 ,) helped to increase the capacity of higher education institutions in developing countries to contribute to sustainable development and to also work horizontally with other academic institutions and vertically with policy makers. In Iraq, the programme was released in 2011 and implemented during the years 2012/2013. The aim of the programme was to support a scientific research project to develop higher education system in Iraq. The programme supported partnerships between institutions in different countries to enable them to undertake joint research, develop improved teaching programmes and share relevant ideas and expertise. Sustainability was built into each partnership by:
- The development of quality assurance systems
- The advancement of research expertise
- The provision of ‘seed corn’ funding and outreach strategies that attracted other funds if partnerships were successful.
- Effective communication strategies between partners
- Local ownership of partnerships
Salahaddin University was honored by winning 5 projects among 8 projects designed for all Iraq, as follow:
Project One: To support a scientific research project to develop a quality assurance system at Salahaddin University-Erbil. Salahaddin University team were consisted of (Dr. Jaafar H. Khidir, Dr. Nabil Adil Fakhri, Dr. Fatimah Rashid Hasan, Mr. Zhilan Tahir, Dr. Khwasbeen Sida Fattah, Dr. Yousuf Shareef Saeed,Sardar Ahmed Yaseen, Dr. Ibrahim Hamarash, Dr. Riadh Francis, Dr. Omer Ibrahim Aziz and Taban Kamal Azeez). The project was implemented during December 9 to December 15th, 2011 with the full supervision and cooperation of Coventry University ( http://www.coventry.ac.uk/ ) as a partner University. The project was financially sponsored by the British Council under DelPHE project.
Project Two: A training programme was organized by Nottingham Trent University(www.ntu.ac.uk ) [Leader partner of DelPHE -Iraq project] during the period 6-11 February 2012.The DelPHE project was titled " Developing Research And Curricula" and Dr. Sirwan Ali Salih the lecture at the department of Architecture/College of Engineering participated in the training. The project was financially sponsored by the British Council under DelPHE project.
Project Three: Develop a Women Gender and Gender Studies Course at Salahaddin University-Erbil (http://eprints.soas.ac.uk/13494/ , http://eprints.soas.ac.uk/13494/1/FInal_Report_.pdf ). Salahaddin University team was consisted of (Miss. Muzhda Mohammed Azeez, Miss.Hataw Karim Khider and Miss.Dlaram Othman Salih) from the department of Social Works-College of Arts. The project was implemented in January 2011 and November 2011 with the full supervision and cooperation of SOAS, University of London-UK.( https://www.soas.ac.uk/ ) as a partner university. Professor Dr.Nadje Al-Ali ( [email protected] ) from SOAS was the team leader and the organizer of the project implementation. The project was financially sponsored by the British Council under DelPHE project.
Project Four: Conflict Analysis and Reconciliation-Interships and Seminars in London and Belfast.Salahddin University team were consisted of (Dr.Hewa Haji Khedir, Miss. Lawlaw Abdulaziz Ahmed , Mr.Salih Salahaddin Mustafa , Tavga Abbas Towfiq and Dr.Mohamad Abdullah Kaka Sur) .The project was implemented in March 2011 with the full supervision and cooperation of Department of History, Queen Marry, University of London-UK.( https://www.history.qmul.ac.uk/ ) as a partner university. Professor Dr. Peter Catterall from Queen Marry-University of London was the team leader and the organizer of the project implementation. The project was financially sponsored by the British Council under DelPHE project.
Project Five: Developing Doctoral and Master Research Supervisory Practice at the University of Nottingham-Malaysia in the period May 9 to May 20, 2011. Dr.Ismail Mohammed Fahmi from English department, College of Languages-Salahaddin University-Erbil participated in the project. The project was financially sponsored by the British Council under DelPHE project.
Kurdistan Region – Iraq;
Updated July 18th, 2018
For further information, please contact; بۆ زانیارى زیاتر تكایه پهبوهندى بكه به
Assistant Professor Dr.Mohammed Azeez Saeed
Director, Office of Grants and Academic Projects
Erasmus plus Coordination Office, International Cooperation
Email: [email protected], [email protected]
Mobile: 00964 (0) 750 462 2954
Salahaddin University-Erbil; Kurdistan Region-Iraq