An international symposium dedicated to exploring new opportunities for improve the health in Kurdistan by creating an interdisciplinary Kurdistan School of Health and Society
hosted by University of Salahaddin - Erbil.
# | Program |
11:00 – 11:30 | Welcome speech and introduction by Dr. Salahaddin Yasin Baper Head of Architecture Department (SUH) |
11:30 – 12:00 | The research for Health Society in Kurdistan: A Salutogenic perspective by Dr. Alan Dilani International Academy for Design and Health, Sweden |
12:00 – 13:00 | Lunch, Coffee and Networking |
13:00 – 14:00 | Design Solutions for Health promoting Environments by, Nadia Tabia Principal Tabia Architects, Canada The relationship between Air pollution and healthcare expenditure by Prof. Almas Heshmati Jonkoping International business school, Sweden |
14:00 – 14:45 | Break |
14:45 – 16:15 | Panel Discussion |
16:15 – 16:30 | Conclusion and recommendations. |
Health and lifestyle in Kurdistan
In order to reduce the burden of lifestyle disease in Kurdistan in an efficient way, major investments need to be made in the promotion of health and preventive of life-styles related diseases (so called non-communicable diseases}. Creating salutogenic healthy lifestyle requires the green infrastructure that creates clean air, clean water, clean food and clean land through water management and retention, natural heating and cooling, and renewable energy - which in tum are necessary for human health and wellness. Research has shown that well-designed and people- friendly spaces stimulate walking, cycling and the’ use of public transportation. High levels of greenery also encourage physical activity, which lowers blood pressure, decreases the risk of heart disease, stroke and diabetes, and prevents, falls in the elderly.
Objectives of the Symposium
To explore how the new education and research program can support and improve the safety, health and quality of life.
To identify the key factors, risk- factors and wellness factors within the living and working environments that actively impact on the physical and psychological and social health of people in Kurdistan.
To discuss a new paradigm on research and education related to health that supports the creation of a Faculty of Health and Society with measurable economic outcome of creation healthy communities in Kurdistan.
Explore the power of improvement and implementation sciences in achieving desired outcomes for health system strengthening.
Who should attend?
This is a multi-disciplinary event in which wide-ranging stakeholders are invited to participate from the public, private and voluntary sectors.
Prof. Alan Dilani
Dr. Dilani is a global authority on interdisciplinary research regarding the interaction between design and health. Dilani is a founder of the International Academy for Design and Health (IADH) and the journal, World Health Design. He has been engaged worldwide in several universities in the field of Design and Health developing a “Salutogenic Design Program", in both medical and design institutions. He holds a Master of Architecture in Environmental Design from the Polytechnic of Tunn, Italy and a Ph.D. in Health Facility Design from the Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm. His research center developed at the Karolinska Institute, Medical University, a multidisciplinary research approach, led to a new design theory called “Saltugenic Design" that not only fosters functional efficiency in building infrastructure, but also improves health processes.
Architect Nadia Tobia
Nadia Tobia is the founder and principal of Tobia Architects in Toronto. She is well recognized for producing creative design solutions that meet international design standards while addressing local cultural and environmental needs. She has served as designer and project director for anumber of large-scale projects requiring the coordination of multi-disciplinary teams of consultants and stakeholders. With expertise in health care and significant experience in master planning and design, Nadia has led her teams to complete award winning projects. She has worked on projects in Canada, USA, Ireland, China, Iraq, UAE, Qatar and Saudi Arabia and has served as a consultant to the United Nations UN-Habitat, lrag Program in Jordan.
Prof. Paul Barach
Dr. Barach is deeply committed to translating research into strategies for systems strengthening, health protection and disease prevention.Paul Barach, MD, MPH, is a double boarded anaesthesiologist and critical care physicia scientist and former Chief Medical and Quality Officer at lead Academic Medical Center. He is Clinical Professor at Wayne State University School of Medicine, and Children's Hospital of Michigan, Lecturer and senior advisor to Dean, Jefferson College of Population Health, Senior advisor to CMO, Stavanger University Hospital, Norway, and Visiting Professor at the National Cancer Center in Seoul Korea.
He trained at the Massachusetts General Hospital affiliated with Harvard Medical School. Paul is an elected member of the lead honorary society the Association of University Anaesthesiologists.
Prof. Almas Heshmati
Almas Heshmati is Professor of Economics at Jénkdéping University, Sweden. He held similar positions at the Sogang University, Korea University, Seoul National University, University of Kurdistan Hawler, and the MIT Agnfood Research (Finland). He was Research Fellow at the World Institute for Development Economics Research (WIDER), The United Nations University during 2001-2004. From 1998 until 2001, he was an Associate Professor of Economics at the Stockholm School of Economics. He has a Ph.D. degree from the University.
Symposium Flyer