This activity is a competition project amongst the students of 26 universities aimed to boost up their competitive skills of communication, thinking, argumentation and critical thinking in an academic methodology. Also, it is conceptualized to broaden and strengthen the relations between the students of different universities in Kurdistan Region, hoping for building a bridge of mutual understanding and cooperation.
Supervised and run by Salahaddin University-Erbil, College of Basic Education.
The Supreme Committee of Management:
In order to run the whole mission, a representative in each university is nominated to be a member of the Committee. This team behaves in an objective and unbiased method and will be a mediator between all the universities, and it is responsible for two main tasks:
- Run the project technically.
- Design the format of the debate, the topics, and the logistic details.
The Committee of Evaluation:
This team, who are academicians, university professors and foreigners, has authority to judge over all the universities’ performances ad puts grades. The Committee behaves in an objective and unbiased method and will be an assessor for all the universities.
- Evaluate and put grades for each team in the sessions.
- Decide which team is eligible to win or leave the project.
Application deadline extended to: 30th Nov. 2019