Salahaddin University- Erbil is welcoming you in the 1st Biology international online symposium (Cancer, secrets of signaling, applications and treatment challenges) that will be held on 19th May 2021.
NOTE\ The link for the online registration form will be share during the symposium session in the chat room and then the certifications will be send to your email.
The link for all online sessions is below.
Salahaddin University- Erbil - Pedagogy Centre is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Salahaddin University- Erbil 1st Biology International Online Symposium 19th May 2021
Time: May 19th, 2021 10:00 AM Baghdad
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Time and Title Schedule of Speakers in Salahaddin University- Erbil ’s Symposium of Cancer
(Cancer, secrets of signaling, applications and treatment Chalenges)
19 May 2021
Time (Erbil) (GMT+3) |
Title |
Presenter |
University |
Duty |
Morning Session |
1 |
10.30-10.40 |
Opening Ceremony |
Prof. Dr. Mustafa Al-Attar |
Vis President of Salahaadin University- Erbil |
Chairman |
Welcome Speech |
Prof. Dr. Jawhar Fattah |
President of Salahaadin University- Erbil |
2 |
10.40-11.10 |
The secret ally: antitumor immunity induced by bacteriochlorin-mediated photodynamic therapy. The story from bench to clinical trials |
Dr. Barbara Pucelik |
Malopolska Center of Biotechnology, Jagiellonian University (Krakow, Poland) |
Speaker |
3 |
11.10-11.20 |
Discussion |
4 |
11.20-11.50 |
ECM signaling in gynecological cancers |
Dr. Jordi Gonzalez Molina |
Karolinska Institutet/ University of London
Speaker |
5 |
11.50-12.00 |
Discussion |
6 |
12.00-12.30 |
Biomedical applications of natural killer cells in cancer immunotherapy |
Dr. Nadir Kadri |
Karolinska Institutet |
Speaker |
7 |
12.30-12.40 |
Discussion |
Afternoon Session |
8 |
14.00-14.10 |
Welcome Speech |
Assist. Prof. Dr. Khurshid Khrwatany Assoc. Professor Dr. Zamira Akhmedovna |
KBMS Petrov National Research Center of Oncology/ St.Piters Burg/Russia |
Chairman |
9 |
14.40-15.00 |
Basal Cell Carcinoma of skin, pathomorphologist point of view |
Anna Sergeevna Artemeva |
Head Department of Pathomophrology FSBI“National Medical Research Center of Oncology named after N.N.Petrov” MHRF |
Speaker |
10 |
15.00- 15.10 |
Discussion |
11 |
15.10-15.30 |
Basal Cell Carcinoma, Selection of the method of treatment |
Assoc.Prof Dr. Zamira Akhmedovna Radzhabova |
Head of Surgical Department of head and neck tumors FSBI“National Medical Research Center of Oncology named after N.N.Petrov” MHRF |
Panelist |
12 |
15.30-15.40 |
Discussion |
13 |
15.40-16.00 |
Sentinel lymphnode Biopsy in melanoma of head and neck |
Maxim Andreevich Kotov |
Oncologist of Surgical Department of head and neck tumors FSBI“National Medical Research Center of Oncology named after N.N.Petrov” MHRF Department of Head and neck surgery |
Speaker |
14 |
16.00-16.10 |
Discussion |
15 |
16.10-16.30 |
Chemo-embolization of tumor vessels based on a clinical situation of a female patient with melanoma of the mucous membrane of the nose |
Aleksandr Sergeevich Mitrofanov |
Oncologist of Surgical Department of head and neck tumors FSBI“National Medical Research Center of Oncology named after N.N.Petrov” MHRF Department of Head and neck surgery |
Speaker |
16 |
16.30-16.40 |
Discussion |
17 |
16.40-17.00 |
Prognosis of oncological cases after surgical treatment in Iraq |
Assist. Prof. Dr. Khurshid Khrwatany |
Kurdistan Board of Medical Specialties |
Speaker |
17.00-17.10 |
Discussion |