Attended by the University president Prof. Dr Ahmed Dezaye, representative of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, the University vice presidents, deans, and heads of departments, College of Education held its first workshop about unifying special education curriculum in the universities in the Kurdistan Region.
At the beginning of the conference, SUE president said, “Despite having benefit for unifying the curricula, this workshop will also help introduce the departments of special education. We have to pay more attention to these departments to help equip the society with better citizens. Therefore, providing lecturers to these departments is one of our top priorities.”
Also, the representative of the Ministry of Higher Education Dr Mohammed Sabir, and Dr Said Dean of SUE College of Education highlighted the significance of special education for students with special needs.
It is worth mentioning that the workshop continued for one day in the College of Education of SUE in which suggestions and recommendations were noted and certificates of participation were conferred on the participants.